Saturday, August 30, 2008


From the first day we meet with Mr. Washington, our experience with ODS Enterprises has been wonderful. He and his wife opened their beautiful home up to us for our first two meetings and made us feel right at home. Mr. Washington has been upfront and straightforward with us from day one. Throughout this process he has included us in every step and with every decision. He has often taken the time to explain the house building process to us regardless of the number of times we may ask the same questions.
Mr. Washington has consistently stated that he wants to make sure we have a quality built home that we are pleased with. I can state without a shadow of a doubt we are EXTREMELY PLEASED!!!! This home building process has been a learning experience, but one I would do again without hesitation with Oscar Washington and ODS Enterprises.

I could not write a testimony about ODS Enterprises without writing about the contractors who work for Mr. Washington. All of the contractors we met along this house building process have been very professional and extremely friendly. Anytime we were at the house and they were there, they were courteous and stopped and answered any questions we had. Whenever we meet with a contractor to pick items off the allowance sheet, they were also equally as friendly and very knowledgeable. The contractors Mr. Washington picked are a true reflection of the type of person he is and the type of quality home you will get if he is allowed to build for you.

Calvin and Marcia Dean

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